Sleep Therapy App
With sleep tracking gaining huge popularity, health tracking presents exciting new opportunities for aiding in its implementation.
Many who struggle with sleep habits do not have enough knowledge or incentive to make improvements.
Target Audience
Those suffering from sleep issues who avoid sleep clinics and therapy
My Role
UX/UI Design
Bill, 54 “My problem of staying asleep during the night has come back since my promotion. I now also have difficulty falling asleep.”
Bedtime Routine:
Runs after work, has dinner, continues to work at home until 11PM
Sleep Challenges:
-Exhausted, but still can take hours falling asleep
-Awakens multiple times during the night
Products that may help:
CBTi, Sleep Clinic, Sleep Cycle App, Fitbit, Sleep With Me Podcast
Sleep tracking has become very popular, but none provide proper analysis nor actions toward improvement. CBTi is a validated method for improving poor sleep habits but requires manual input and time commitment.
Market Analysis: CBTi vs Sleep Tracking
CBTi Features = our app can help accomplish.
Sleep Restriction
Training to optimize time asleep vs time in bed. Consists of calculating time user sleeps each night and restricting their time in bed to that number. Evaluated each week and increased steadily as sleep efficiency increases.
Stimulus Control
Training the users mind to perceive their bed as a stimulus for only sleep and sex. Consists of keeping away from the bedroom until they are ready to fall asleep and getting out of bed if they are having trouble sleeping.
Sleep Hygiene
Involves changing lifestyle habits that can prevent healthy sleep such as napping during the afternoon, smoking, and not exercising.
Improving Sleep Environment
Keeping bedroom quiet, dark and cool, hiding the clock from view, etc.
Relaxation Training
Calming the mind. There are many approaches including meditation, muscle relaxation, biofeedback, guided imagery.
Interaction: Bedtime Guide
Engaging exercises can be applied to CBTi lessons such as Sleep Hygiene to get the user more aware of their sleeping environment and Stimulus Control to keep the user away from the bed until they are tired.
CBTi Timeline
Taking several CBTi programs, it was found they follow the same structure and many elements would be enhanced by our product.
Home Screen
Automatic Sleep Diary
Easily track your sleep each day to build up your sleep report.
Sleep Report
View a full analysis and recommended therapy after completing the first week.
Lesson 1
Learn CBTi techniques through interactive animations each night.